YOUR Visual Communications Team

We are your visual communication experts, your problem solvers, your creative inspiration, your graphic designers.

Your support crew is made up of leading graphic designers, GIS team, marketing and communication specialists who will put their heads together to bring you the best in visual communication.

We understand farming, so we understand you. Gemma and Pauline have years of experience when it comes to farming, the duo have both owned and managed farms in South Taranaki.

Bring us that problem, bring us that frustration and let’s see what visual communication solution we can come up with, you won’t look back.

Gemma Adams - founded VizLink after seeing an opportunity to improve communication on her and husband Terry's South Taranaki farm. 

A visual learner, Gemma drew from her experiences on farm and skills as a graphic designer to develop whiteboards, checklists, signs and maps to communicate with staff, provide instruction and better organise the work day.

The tools proved successful, not only improving productivity and farm safety, but most importantly, instilling confidence in their TEAM. Wanting to share their success, Gemma took her designs, developed them further and now offers visual communication tools to farmers around the country.


“Passion is at the heart of every successful business.”  

Find more about VizLink here